bebé murciélago
Este es un juguete articulado hecho a mano hecho de materiales ecológicos.
Este maravilloso batcat tiene todas las mejores características tanto de los murciélagos como de los gatos. ¿No es tan misterioso y lindo al mismo tiempo? ¡Pídelo ahora mismo!
Como la mayoría de nuestros juguetes, esta criatura se fabricará por pedido (ahora mismo no está en stock). Nuestro tiempo de producción promedio es de 3-4 semanas. Tan pronto como el juguete esté terminado, lo enviaremos y recibirá una notificación de envío.
¿Quién puede usarlo? Si tienes más de 3 años, puedes jugar fácilmente con esta maravillosa criatura. Está hecho de materiales modernos y sólidos y no tiene miedo de volar, temblar, girar e incluso caerse. ¡siéntete libre de jugar como quieras! ¿Prefieres coleccionar tus muñecas en un estante? Esta monada se puede colocar en todas las posiciones y es muy fotogénica, por lo que puedes variar fácilmente sus poses.
Si no le gusta su juguete después de haberlo recibido, ¡le reembolsaremos su compra!
Altura: 13,5 cm (5 pulgadas).
Materiales: bjd skeleton, piel sintética, poliuretano, alambre, sintepon, pasteles, pinturas acrílicas, barniz.
*Como todos los juguetes están hechos a mano y se fabrican por encargo (no hay juguetes en stock), debes estar preparado para algunas pequeñas (muy pequeñas) diferencias porque es imposible hacer dos artículos absolutamente iguales.
Production time & nuances
- Like the most of our mercurians, this creature will be made per order.
- The expected production time is 2-3 weeks. Sometimes customization extends production process. If you're in a hurry- please let us know, we'll definitely adjust.
- As soon as the toy is finished we ship it and you receive a dispatch notification.
- As every toy is handmade you should be ready for some small (tiny) differences because it's impossible to make two absolutely equal items.
Shipping & returns
- USPS shipping within USA, Canada and Australia
- La poste shipping within EU
- DHL shipping worldwide
- Shipping worldwide for all orders above 150$ is free. Below 150$- from 4 to 12$ depending on destination and order volume.
- We want you to be 100% satisfied with your mercurian purchase. Mercurians can be returned or exchanged within 30 days of delivery.
Aprende a personalizar tu mercurian aquí
Plushies have never been so distinctive
Since the first felt elephant was made in 1880, plushies have been sewn according to common templates, making the toys in a series absolutely identical...
The toys should be as unique as their owners
Therefore our creatures' faces and paws have always been hand-painted; no airbrushes, no templates, just paints and brushes.
Consequently, even if we reproduce a particular specimen, it becomes unique.
Even more extraordinary?
Our commitment to uniqueness has driven us to offer an extensive range of customization options for every customer.
We work with text descriptions, sketches, photos,
and even "I trust your artistic vision"
to craft one-of-a-kind Mercurians.
Plushies have never been so expressive
Thanks to our distinctive style and the unique technology of sculpting, molding, and casting, the faces of our toys are as expressive as sculptures.
We could never achieve this effect if we just sewed them in the traditional way
That's why we start bringing every Mercurian to life by creating their eyes by hand

Every detail matters:
pupil diameter, eye size, iris color, and pattern

After all, eyes create toy's identity
As well as it's mood, spirit and should never be limited by default pre-made plastic beads.
Static plushies were never enough
Since childhood we've never been satisfied with basic stuffed animals that maintained the same pose they were sewn in, or at best, could only rotate their limbs.
We wanted our creatures to be able to tilt their heads, arch their backs, or bend their paws, and what's important, to maintain these poses
So we added special skeletons
We call them BJD skeletons.
We added them to the most of our toys (and all the medium and big ones)
This feature allows them to be put in different postures and makes them ideal for:
- taking awesome pictures,
- creating great interior accents,
- or simply playing with.
38.5 ball joints on average
...Has every Mercurian.
That's more than vertebrae in the human back.